Wednesday, May 12, 2010

IIS 7 Extension Authoring

Tutorial on how create a UI module from scratch. Note that the module can not be built targeting the .Net 4.0 Framework.


AppFabric's exception handling pattern and the IErrorHandler behaviour

So currently the following is true:
  • AppFabric only logs unhandled exceptions from the service implementation (i.e. the exception that is handled by IErrorHandler - if that behaviour is implemented)
  • Throwing an exception in IErrorHandler.HandleError will result in w3wp.exe throwing a unhandled Microsoft .Net framework exception and the exception isn't logged again in AppFabric. Regardless of this, the fault (constructed in IErrorHandler.ProvideFault) is still successfully provided to the client as this method is called before HandleError.
  • AppFabric does log the inner exception if provided.